Actions of a Fool:
Our parents, our first role-model: Both children and young adults will observe the actions of adults around them and naturally copy what they are shown
World Peace can become a reality
Dhamma For People :- World Peace can become a reality.
Our Human Environment in the Six Directions includes those who are the most influential in our lives
Distributing knowledge to Others
There are three forms of knowledge. They are knowledge from memory, wisdom, and brightness from meditation.
The 38 Ways to Happiness :- Living in an Amenable Location (3)
The 38 Ways to Happiness. The Second Group of Blessings. Bless Four :- Living in an Amenable Location.
Why do we need to identify our false friends?
Naturally we need to carefully observe the behaviors of those with whom we associate. It may to be easy to be able to tell what kind of a person they are because the persons may appear as our friends when is fact they could be false friends or even enemies
Artfulness In The Application of Knowledge.
The benefits we will get from planting apple trees depend o their productiveness. At the first period of planting called the pre-pro-ductivity stage, the apple trees have only trunks, branches and leaves.
The 38 Ways to Happiness :- Cherishing our parents (3)
The 38 Ways to Happiness. The Fourth Group of Blessings. Blessing Eleven :- Cherishing our parents
Searching for the Truth
In the Pali language, 'natthi santiparam sukham' means 'there is no happiness other than the peace of mind'
Qualifications of Good Children#1
Once parents realize the answers, they will have a standard with which to raise children